
融合于咖啡厅里的家具展厅Café Craft

DINZ德网传媒 DINZHOME 2021-01-30



Luxury furniture importer Chanintrturns

its newest Bangkok showroom

into an ode to craftsmanship from

Thailand and further afield

with a definite nod to the art of dining


这是Café Craft背后的关键思想,位于曼谷通洛区的Chanintr Craft家具展厅中的新用餐地点,拥有品牌,例如Louis PoulsenCarl Hansen&Søn 、Fredericia 其中Chanintr是该国的许多家具品牌的独家进口商,占据中心位置。

What better way to introduce potential buyers to new furniture than to let them get up close with it in a restaurant setting? That's the key idea behind Café Craft, a new dining spot within Chanintr’s new CHANINTR CRAFT furniture showroom in Bangkok’s Thonglor district, where Scandinavian brands such as Louis Poulsen, Carl Hansen & Søn and Fredericia (many of which Chanintr is the country’s exclusive importer of) take centre stage.

Chanintr的创意总监、Daminato工作室的首席建筑师Albano Daminato说:“在亚洲,斯堪的纳维亚家具仍然常常与批量生产宜家(IKEA)联系在一起。”“还是会有人问‘为什么它这么贵?’但他解释说,通过把这些产品放在家居般的环境中展示,Chanintr希望帮助人们了解生产过程中所涉及的高超工艺和高质量材料。

‘Here in Asia, Scandinavian furniture is often still associated with mass-produced knock-offs and IKEA,’ says Albano Daminato, Chanintr’s creative director and principal architect at Studio Daminato. ‘You still have people asking “Why’s it so expensive?”’ But by showcasing these products in a homelike setting, he explains, Chanintr hopes to help people understand the superior craftsmanship and high-quality materials involved in their production process.

Daminato与总部位于曼谷的建筑公司Tierra Design密切合作,将陈列室从头到尾设计得像一个住宅。两个独立的建筑位于庭院两侧,围绕着一棵古树,建筑师想要保护这棵树。连接人行道环绕着它,而一层的玻璃体量正好居于树枝下。

Working closely with Bangkok-based architecture firm Tierra Design, Daminato designed the showroom from the ground up to resemble a residential property. Two separate buildings flank a courtyard centred around an ancient tree that the architects wanted to preserve. Connecting walkways wrap around it, while a glass expansion on the ground floor slides right under its branches.


Inside, Daminato’s signature pared-back style and earthy tones prevail. Walls clad in natural cork from Portugal and ash wood from Danish brand Dinesen provide a backdrop for showpieces such as Japanese washi paper ceiling lights. An ash wood staircase connects the cafe to three white-washed showroom floors where large windows offer ample natural light and furniture is arranged in mock-living room setups. ‘We didn’t want the design to distract from the products we’re selling,' Daminato explains. ‘It’s a blank canvas.'


While the space has an unmistakable Scandi-Japanese character, a closer look reveals distinctively Thai details. The oatmeal-coloured terrazzo floor and bar counter, laid by a local artisan, are hallmarks of traditional Sino-Thai shop houses; terracotta-hued tiles, handmade in Northern Thailand, bedeck the cafe’s ceiling; and Thai basketry dots the bar and showrooms. 

‘There’s a lot of great Thai craft around, but it’s often not harnessed for showcasing,’ Daminato says, ‘With its Craft brand, Chanintr really wants to celebrate the beauty and quality of it.’

这里不仅仅是一个家具展厅,更是泰国展示工艺与国外相互交流的空间。Daminato说:“We’re not just selling things, it’s all about showcasing what we love,”

And so, the showroom becomes more than just a place for deep-pocketed Bangkokians looking to furnish their villas. It serves as an accessible show space for craftsmanship from around Thailand and abroad. 'We’re not just selling things, it’s all about showcasing what we love,’ Daminato concludes. 'It’s a full story.'


Child Studio | 营造带有层次感的怀旧氛围

CCD | 将共享理念发挥到极致

